Sunday, March 30, 2014

Chinese Medicine- PCOS

For PCOS sufferers, there are often sticky/damp side effects in your body. The stickiness gathers in your ovaries so the eggs don't develop or ovulate properly. In essence, they are stuck. Google "Chinese Medicine: Dampness" and you'll see a whole slew of ways to treat dampness through food, spices and teas.

Here are a few dietary changes my acupuncturist recommended to me: 

1. Drink lots of water. Add lemon or lime to it. Sour flavors = dampness scissors. Because of this, green tea, apple cider vinegar, and grapefruit are also good for you.

2. Limit and avoid sugar, refined carbs and added sweeteners.

3. Eat food that is warmed up or heated. Avoid putting ice in drinks or eating anything cold. Cook your vegetables and fruits instead of eating them raw. If you are going to eat something that is cold, make sure you pair it with a warming food or drink or add spices like cinnamon that have a warming quality to them. This is because your body has to use energy to heat up the food before breaking it down which when treating PCOS is not recommended.

4. Avoid dairy products. Yes, even yogurt...

5. No bananas. :(

6. No peanut butter (or peanut products).

Basically, my favorite foods have been put on the no-no list...

Good luck!

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